Sunday, August 2, 2009
The clarinet section is dying.
The band is dying. Awesome.
11:47 AM
- SJC Clarinetist :)
Tuesday, June 9, 2009
hey people,
this blog is rotting like .... erm.... decomposed reeds ??
hahaha, that's my failed attempt at being funny.
my dearest,loved clarinet section, i so uber super missed you guys! :((
IM COMING BACK NEXT MON to visit! :DD be sure you all are there! i know some of you all pon ah! tsktsk.. hahahaha...
anyways, practise hard on your lovely sounding clarinets okay? :D
because WE WANNA BE THE BEST SECTION! whoooo, no pressure intended :)
p.s here's some oldies for you to enjoy :)
Truly Madly Deeply - Savage Garden
7:54 PM
- SJC Clarinetist :)
Sunday, April 26, 2009
I'll always love you guys,
10:25 AM
- SJC Clarinetist :)
Friday, April 3, 2009
WE DID IT.We freaking did it.WELL DONE EVERYONE.
♥ Tessa.
I ♥ the Clarinet Section.
6:14 PM
- SJC Clarinetist :)
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Hello, dear clarinetists.
Tomorrow is the big day.
I am supposed to be asleep now.
I just want to tell you guys, thank you for being there for one another, for the past one year or so. Like Elysia said, LOOK HOW FAR WE'VE COME.
From Blue Ridge Saga bar dunno what I forgot also, to our Light of Dawn solo, our Overture No. 1 solo, everything (:
People may look down on us, but it is okay. As long as we're still together as one section, able to support one another and everything, we are fine.
I know you all will work super duper hard for SYF tomorrow.
Don't be nervous, okay?
I...myself am nervous but I know to tell others not to be scared, I myself must be... calm (:
So I will be!
We will work together, play together.
Please, if someone squeaks, dont laugh, dont turn to look at the person, just CARRY ON. People make mistakes, so it is okay. Doesn't mean you are any better.
Take care okay...??
Thank you so much guys, I think you're the best thing that has ever happened to me (:
Band wouldn't be the same without you guys!
So lets go out there and make... ex SJC band members, current SJC members, teachers, everybody proud of us.
"It doesn't matter what you get. As long as you have enjoyed yourself, you have won. You are a winner."- MS ADELINE NG.I love you all. Have faith and confidence.
We will do it.
Because I know we can.Tessa.
9:19 PM
- SJC Clarinetist :)
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
okay, so we are 2days away from
1. Always watch Mr. Tan
2. STAY as close together as possible and move together as a band!
3. Don’t play the wrong note
4. Remember what Mr. Tan told us
5. Don't Rush
6. AND LASTLY!!! SIT PROPERLY!!! CLOSE YOUR LEGS, Sit half the chair, sit up straight AND CLOSE YOUR LEGS, too bad, we sitting at the 1st row....
sleep early the day before SYF and drink lots of water, don't forget to set as many alarm to help to wake up on time :D
with love,
the wired one, aka huimin :P
8:56 PM
- SJC Clarinetist :)
Sunday, March 29, 2009
*everybody claps*
hahahaha, yeah we have to revive our blog man.
yup, SYF IS IN *drum roll* 5 days :O
i hope we do well
clarinet section have a lot of solos you know.. cool right?
as long as we tried our best , it doesnt matter what we get right?
omg, i cant wait for syf to be over.. MYE is like in a month!!! someone save me!!
LOVE,your super duper awesome SL
10:18 PM
- SJC Clarinetist :)